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Tips To Find your Dream Job

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

  1. Find Your Dream Job by Focusing. The idea here is taking your love of something and focusing it on a specific career path. This allows you to distinguish and go after specific opportunities.That focus will help you get your dream job because you will be in a better position to pursue your career.

  2. Earn Your Dream Job Because You Can Do It By today’s standards, a degree doesn’t necessarily qualify you to do anything! Just because you studied programming in college doesn’t mean you can program/ write executeable code.

  3. Get an Internship to Gain Experience. You can often pursue your dream job through the college or university where you are obtaining your education. If you want to be a nurse or a computer analyst, chances are that your school has outlets where you can intern and gain experience while building your resume. Everything from student teaching to volunteering in a research lab is available while you study the academics of your major.

  4. Find the Job You Want Through Confidence Having education and experience isn’t the same as having confidence. When you learn how to do something and then you practice, you build confidence, and that will help you get the job you want. Your dream job is likely to be in a competitive field. If you want it, chances are someone else will too. Having the confidence to stand behind your qualifications will help you get your foot in the door.

  5. Take Your Confidence to Nonverbal Communication When you finally land an interview at the job you want, make sure your nervousness doesn’t get in the way of how you communicate without words. When you cross your arms you could simply be feeling cold, but this sends a nonverbal statement that you are closed off or less approachable. Take care to communicate a friendly, open and easy-to-get-along-with attitude.

  6. Be the Solution to a Problem Often we think specifically in terms of what we want, what our dream job is, or how to pursue our objectives that we forget the fact that getting a job means someone chooses to pay you to solve a problem, or to fill a need in a company. Whether you want to be an elementary school teacher or a linebacker, your job will have a purpose and you will be the best person to solve the problem.

  7. Don’t Be a Perfectionist You have to remember that nothing is perfect. What may seem like a dream job may not be the right fit for you for many different reasons, and don'tstress much if you don'tget the chance, since these opportunities are always there, for the right person, at the right time. Remember, while you search that stressing about little details will only hurt your chances. Stay confident.

  8. Research the Company While you may be the perfect fit for the job you want, you’ll never know without doing research on the company. The hiring manager will do his or her homework on you and your skills, so why not do your own background check?Make sure you look at the company’s history as well as its work to see just how you will fit.

  9. Make Job Hunting Your Job You want to put a lot of work into crafting your cover letter, formatting your resume and communicating in person. Make sure that you schedule time to work on each aspect. Take breaks and make sure to engage in stress-relieving activities. If you’re too stressed about getting a job, you will not enjoy the process as much.

  10. Be on the Radar Before you finish school, and before you complete your first internship, you can and should network socially with companies you might want to work for. Through joining groups & posting blogs, attending our trainings & workshops, and sharing your thoughts on your chosen industry, you can be on the radar. Quite often, a company will reach out to the people on its radar before beginning the interview process formally.


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